The Conch Podcast features interviews

with the most inspiring women in the world of seafood.

Join Julie Kuchepatov,

founder of Seafood and Gender Equality (SAGE),

as she interviews women striving

to succeed in the sector, as well as those already making an impact,

and the challenges they face -

all while working to improve

the environmental and social responsibility

of the planet’s most incredible food source - seafood!


Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch program, with its science-based ratings of global fisheries and fish farms, is the earliest and one of the most influential drivers of responsible seafood in the world. Seafood and Gender Equality, or SAGE, on the other hand, just celebrated its one-year anniversary.

In this inaugural episode of The Conch, Julie Kuchepatov, the Founder of SAGE, sits down with Julie Packard, the Founder and Executive Director of the Monterey Bay Aquarium, to talk about their respective visions for a future full of seafood, and how to achieve it. (Hint: Partnerships are CRITICAL!). Julie Packard turns the tables on the conversation to learn more about SAGE’s mission and why women will lead the next evolution of the seafood sector. 

Episode Transcript

Episode Guide

  • :00 Intro

  • 01:56 The history of Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch Program and the power of U.S. consumers

  • 05:50 What we can expect from Seafood Watch in the future

  • 08:24 Why Julie Kuchepatov founded Seafood and Gender Equality (SAGE) and the evolution of the sustainable seafood movement

  • 14:49 Seafood Watch’s Seafood Slavery Risk Tool

  • 23:19 How SAGE will spur the sustainable seafood movement and seafood industry to embrace gender equality

  • 27:06 Both Julies share their vision for the future of seafood and the urgency of the climate crisis

  • 39:05 Women in leadership in the marine conservation and sustainable seafood movement

  • 42:28 Career advice for women in the seafood sector


  1. The next time you buy seafood, be sure to consult the Seafood Watch recommendations at

  2. Read the newest blog post on the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) Ocean’s blog, where Julie interviews three women from the EDF field teams and learns what would happen in a world without women working in fisheries (SPOILER: there would be NO fish on our tables!): 

  3. Sign up for SAGE’s newsletter to receive the latest and greatest happenings regarding gender equality and women’s empowerment in the seafood industry!

  4. Check out this article mentioned in the podcast - 

  5. Please make sure to like, comment, share, and recommend this episode to anyone you think might care about the future of our ocean and women working in the sector. 

  6. Follow us on Twitter at @sdg5forseafood, Instagram @Seafood_And_Gender_Equality, and Facebook @SeafoodAndGenderEquality

The Conch Podcast series is a program of Seafood and Gender Equality (SAGE) and made possible by generous funding from The David and Lucile Packard Foundation. Audio production, engineering, editing, mixing, and sound design by Crystal Sanders-Alvarado for Seaworthy. Original music provided by Satan’s Pilgrims.

The Conch Podcast is a program of Seafood and Gender Equality (SAGE).

Audio production, engineering, editing, mixing, and sound design by Crystal Sanders-Alvarado for Seaworthy.

Theme music: “Dilation” by Satan's Pilgrims

 Funding generously provided by